Headerbild der Rubrik Reparaturen der Webpage von Thomas Ochs Gitarrenbau. Herausstehender Bodenbalken einer Gitarre von Battista Fabricatore, Neapel 1811.


Is your head broken off, soundboard broken, frets brought in, or the action a catastrophe?

I repair concert guitars, steel string guitars, electric guitars, electric basses, and acoustic basses for 15 years professionally, competently, and choicely. For me, a professional consulting and a realistic estimate of the cost-effectiveness are of special importance, since theoretically I could fix every damage of your instrument. Prior to every repair I prepare a cost estimate including the material costs. I also fulfill special wishes, like e.g. fingerboard inlays or scalloped fingerboards.


Every historical instrument is a cultural object. Due to this I first record the actual state of your instrument and document it according to scientific standards. In accordance with you and, if necessary in cooperation with other experts, the decision has to be made, if only conservational steps are taken or if your instrument is made ready to be played again.

Careful and deliberate proceeding means that with every step it has to be weighted how much of the original substance of your instrument is meshed with.

The actions of restoration and auxiliary materials are recorded written and photographically.

Prior to every restoration, I prepare a cost estimate including material costs.